Ruskin House School ensures that all food and drink provided for the children, staff and visitors is homemade, using good quality ingredients.

Meals and snacks are planned according to national guidelines for food and drink in early years settings and yearly reviewed. Our menus are planned after consulting with nursery staff and cooks. Menus are reviewed yearly and take into account seasonal fruit and vegetables   where ever possible.

All meals, drinks and snacks are provided for the children throughout the day therefore we do not accept any food or drink items brought in from home except for breast milk or follow on formula milks including birthday cake (RHS do not provide). Any of these items brought in from home must be clearly labelled with the child’s name and a list of the contents/ingredients.

All food handlers hold a level 2 certificate in food safety which is refreshed every 3 years in line with best practice guidelines.

 At RHS we encourage children to recognise healthy choices, and the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle is embedded in every day practice.

Our large garden allows our children to grow their own fruit and vegetables, we encouraged children to look after the fruits and vegetables and harvest them when the time comes.  While we do discourage food play, as we see this as wasting food and confusing children at meal times, we also see the importance of children learning through direct experiences. For this reason, dried pasta, lentils and rice are used in our role play area including spaghetti in the messy area

Drinks of water are readily available to all children throughout the day.